CYNTHIA BASINET, a singer, actress and humanitarian, said there was a recent trend “spoken aloud and unabatedly” asking what percentage of care, value and support was owed to the marginalized. The question was posed as to what percentage of people could justifiably be left behind. She asked the United Nations, “this “percentage of deciders” to show honour for the fate, self-determination and safety of the people of the Western Sahara.
What I really said:
Mr. Chairman,
Distinguished Delegates,
Ladies and Gentlemen
There seems a trend of late, spoken aloud and unabated. One of what percentage of care, value and support are due the marginalized?
What percentage are okay to leave behind? What percentage decides this?
In the case of the Saharwian People, that is YOU, that percentage, the UN governing body that decides this. That decides this percentage.
We are asking of you, this percentage of deciders for grace, compassion and honor in your decisions over their fate, self determination and safety.
Thank you for your time.
Miss Cynthia Basinet